Computer Science Equity
AP computer science courses are the “gateway” for students who are serious about pursuing college and ultimately careers in tech
AP computer science courses are taught in only 15% of California high schools
Low-income schools are 4X less likely to offer AP computer science courses
60% of California students are African American, Latinx or Native American/Alaskan Native. Yet they represent just 16% of those taking AP classes in CS
Girls are 10x and African American & Latinx students are 7x more likely to major in computer science in college if they take CS in high school
Just 497 African American students of 97K students in California took an AP CA course in 2018-19, and only 161 were African American Girls
In 2020 less than 2% of UC and CSU Computer Science majors were African Americans
Engineer Factory strives to positively impact these statistics by creating a K-12 computer science education strategy.

Coding is Elementary!
Designed by Code.org to be fun and engaging, Computer Science Fundamentals courses blend online and "unplugged" non-computer activities to teach students computational thinking, problem solving, programming concepts and digital citizenship. The six courses are optimized for grades K-5 and each include 10-25 hours of instructed learning over several lessons. Students will create their own games, art, and digital stories that they can share.

CS Discoveries
Computer Science Discoveries is a Code.org introductory course for 6 - 10th grade students that can be flexibly taught as a single semester, two semesters over multiple years, or as a full year course. Mapped to CSTA standards, the course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as problem solving, programming, physical computing, user-centered design, and data, while inspiring students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices.

Build a Piper Computer
The Piper Learning Experience is about 30 hours and includes 5 phases:
PHASE 1: Build a working computer using diagrams on a blueprint.
PHASE 2: Discover circuitry and electronics concepts in StoryMode by completing levels in Piper's custom-designed Raspberry Pi Edition of Minecraft.
PHASE 3: Learn to code by completing foundational physical computing projects in PiperCode.
PHASE 4: Extend understanding with design thinking by exploring creative games, projects, hackathons, and design challenges.
PHASE 5: Deconstruct the Piper Computer Kit, reflect on the experience, and explore the context of computing systems.

AP Computer Science Principles
Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. More than a traditional introduction to programming, it is a rigorous, engaging, and approachable curriculum that explores many of the foundational ideas of computing so all students understand how these concepts are transforming the world we live in. The Code.org curriculum is College Board approved.

AP CSA (Java)
Introduce students to software engineering and object-oriented design while they learn the Java programming language in this new curriculum for AP® Computer Science A (AP® CSA). The Code.org curriculum is College Board Approved.

The Air Force Association created the CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Education Program in 2009 to excite K-12 students about cybersecurity and other STEM disciplines critical to our nation's future. The program a hands-on curriculum kit designed to teach students about cyber safety, cyber ethics, and critical network security skills and tools. Each AFA CyberCamp culminates in an exciting team-based competition that puts the campers in the role of IT administrators tasked with finding and addressing cybersecurity vulnerabilities in simulated network environments.